- It is the largest endocrine gland in the body.
- The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland, which is butterfly-shaped. It is located in the front part of the larynx and on both sides of the trachea.
- weight : 20 - 40 g
- Length: 5 cm
- Width : 3 cm
- Thyroid is a common problem. And we know that there are many people who have thyroid disease and who are taking thyroid medication.
symptoms :
- Feeling cold
- weight gain
- Slowing of pulse
Hyperthyrodism :
- Sweating.
- Overheating.
- Weight loss.
- Rapid pulse.
- Nervousness.
- Apart from this, there are some symptoms due to which one can be informed about thyroid
Foggy Brain :
When Hypothyrodism slows down the stream of those hormones one side effect is "Foggy brain"
- Focus
- Remember things
- Think clearly
Mood changes :
- There could be lots of reasons for it but thyroid trouble is on the list
- Depression is often the first sign of Hypothyrodism
- ANXIETY is also linked to hyperthyrodism
Pregnancy Problems :
- Studies show that if you have an undertreated thyroid
- More likely to have complications in pregnancy
- Preclempsia is coomon
- Greater chances of miscarriage or stil birth.
- Premature delivery and low birth weight
Period Problems :
- Menstrual trouble can be a sign.
- Periods that are 1) Heavy 2) Light 3) Irreguler
- If no Periods at all
- Girls with thyroid disorders may get their periods quite late or early.
Puffy Face :
- Face looks swollen
- Body collects extra fluid mostly in Eyelids,Lips,Tongue.
Blurry Vision :
- At times thyroid problem can lead to extry fluid to build up in tissues around your Eye
- May have problem in focassines
- Vision may become blurred
- Double vision at times
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome :
- Extra fluid shows up in other places in your body
- Nerves that go to your hands travel through a tunnel of soft tissue near your wrist
- If tunnel gets swollen it puts pressure on nerves 1) Numbness 2)Tinglimg 3)Weakness
Your food Tastes Different :
- Your Actually taste both Mouth.Brain
- If thyroid is not working properly it can mess up at both the places
- Food Tastes Different
High BP :
- An Untreated thyroid problem can cause blood vessels to become less flexible
- This hampers the blood flow throughout body
- Puts pressure on heart
- Overactive thyroid can increase your BP
Low LiBiDo :
- When your thyroid slow down : Your metabolism slows
- Your metabolism controls organs in your body that put out sex hormones
- When these hormones are low : Your sex drive takes a hit
Bathroom Trouble :
- Constipation can be a problem with Hypothyrodism
- In frequent bowel movements
- Overactive thyroid you have loose stools
Hair Loss :
- It is normal to loose hair every day
- If you are loosing too many : Thyroid may be a reason
- Often chronic thyroid problem is a reason.
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