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Why is typhoid frequent?

 Typhoid Fever

  • Typhoid fever affects the intestines. And which weakens the digestive system
  • Typhoid fever is caused by infection with bacteria called SALMONELLA TYPHI and PARATYPHI A and B.

How does typhoid occur?

  • Typhoid is an oral transmission. When a person has typhoid and touches food without washing his hands after passing stool, that food becomes infected. 
  • If this food is eaten by another person, then this person gets typhoid through the food. In fact, the first person does not know that he is infected with typhoid because sometimes the symptoms of typhoid are not visible.
  • The bacteria enter the body when a person consumes this infected food and the development of the bacteria takes place in 7-14 days
  • Whenever we eat food, we should eat in a good place and clean food and the person preparing it should wash their hands properly.

How to avoid typhoid?

  1. Eat at clean hygienic place
  2. Follow Proper hand hygiene.

What’s a long-term carrier of typhoid fever?

 Some people continue to be contagious with typhoid fever even after they’ve recovered (long-term carrier). You can spread typhoid for a year or more with no symptoms. It’s important to get tested for S. Typhi after you feel better to make sure you can’t spread it to other people. 

What’s the difference between typhoid and typhus? 

While the names sound the same, typhoid and typhus are different illnesses, caused by different bacteria. The symptoms are similar — so much so that doctors used to think they were the same illness. We now know they’re different illnesses, but the similar name stuck (and so did the confusion it causes).

Symptoms : 

  • Abdominal pain.

  • Fever (103-104 F).
  • Tenderness.
  • Colicky pain
  • Constipation 
  • Rose spots
  • Bleeding
  • Perforation
  • Peritonitis
  • myocarditis
  • Headache. 
  • Cough. 
  • Weakness. 
  • Flatulence.
  • Increase in the size of the spleen.