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Irregularity of which vitamin causes sores on the tongue..

 Irregularity of which vitamin causes sores on the tongue

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

1)Daily requirement :
  • Adult : 100 mcg
  • Infant : 25-30 mcg
  • Pregnancy : 400 mcg
  • Lactation : 150 mcg

2)Sources :
  • Leafy vegetables
  • liver
  • kidney
  • egg
  • milk
  • dairy products
  • cereals

3)Functions :
  • Metabolism of histidine
  • Role in hematopoiesis
  • synthesis of purines,thymine

4)Effects of deficiency
  • Glossitis,cheilosis
  • gllesions,sprue,diarrhea,flatulence
  • Megaloblasic (macrocytic anemia)