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How many reports are required in a year for our health?

 How many reports are required in a year for our health?

CBC, diabetes, kidney function test, liver function test, lipid profile reports are mandatory for our health. In this report...

 1) CBC: 

(Complete blood count): Based on this report, we can know how many grams of your blood in our body, the irregularities in WBC, platelets and blood in our body.

 Normal value
 HB : 10-16 g/dl
 Wbc : 4000-11000 /microliter
 Platelet : 1.5-4.5 lakh /microliter

 2) Diabetes: 

Diabetes refers to the amount of sugar in our body.  This report is fasting blood sugar (FBS), blood sugar after 2 hours (PP2BS) and 3 months sugar (hba1c) so 3 reports are required because diabetes can cause many other diseases like kidney damage, heart  Many like Feller.  In which the normal amount of sugar is 70-140 mg/dl

 3) Kidney function test:

 Based on this test we can know about our kidney.  In which reports like S.critinine,B.Urea,PT,Albumin and Protein come in normal amount.

 S. creatinine - 0.7-1.4 mg/dl
 B.Urea 15-40 mg/dl
 PT- 15 sec
 Albumin - 3.5-5.5 g/dl
 Protein -5.5 - 8.5 g/dl

 4) Liver function test

 In the liver function test, reports like SGPT, SGOT, ALP, S.Billirubine and HBSAg are mainly reported due to increase in this report, liver damage occurs.
 The normal value of which
 SGPT 7 - 56 U/L
 SGOT 8 - 45 U/L
 ALP.  44 - 147 IU/L
 S. Bilirubin 0-1.0
 HBSAg.  -Non reactive

 5) Lipid profile

Fat components in blood such as HDL, LDL, TG, VLDL, Total Cholesterol All these are called cholesterol. If LDL is in excess, it is believed to be more responsible for heart blockage. And if HDL is high then it is considered beneficial for the heart

In diabetes HDL component is low and TG component is high. These components are maintained if diabetes is kept under control. Diabetic patients are at increased risk of heart disease To whom It is called a sneak attack

Normal value : 
     cholesterol     : less than 200 mg/dl
     Triglycerides : less than 150 mg/dl
     HDL              : More than 40 mg/dl
     LDL               : Below 100 mg/dl
     VLDL            : less than 30 mg/dl